Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 5 trọn bộ

Giáo án Tiếng anh Lớp 5 trọn bộ

I. Objectives

Pupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.

II. Teaching – aids: recordings, flashcards, pictures

III. New language

- Vocabulary: summer, camp, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur

- Sentence patterns:

Where is he from?

He is from Malaysia.

Where in Malaysia is he from?

Kuala Lumpur.


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 Week :1 Date of prepare :
Period: 1st
Unit 1: A summer camp
Lesson 1
I. Objectives
Pupils will be able to ask and answer question about where someone is from.
II. Teaching – aids: recordings, flashcards, pictures
III. New language
Vocabulary: summer, camp, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur
Sentence patterns:
Where is he from?
He is from Malaysia.
Where in Malaysia is he from?
Kuala Lumpur.
IV. Procedure
Warm up(5’): play game slap the board, using the character gallery on page 2.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities

1. Look, listen and repeat (5’)
- New words:
Kuala Lumpur
2. Point, ask and answer.(9’)
Where’s ____________?
Where in ___________?
- New words:
the USA
New York
3. Listen and tick
1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c
4. Talk
Guiding questions
- Who is she/he?
- Where is she/he from?
- Where in ______is she/he from?
- Ask pupils to discuss what is happening in each picture. These children are at a summer camp in Viet Nam.
- Pre – teach vocabulary.
- Play the recording twice for pupils to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines from Zack and Lawan.
- Set the context: These are the children at summer camp in Viet Nam. They come from many countries.
- Write the question and answer on the board and get pupils to repeat.
- Pre – teach vocabulary.
- Model the task with the whole class: 
T: Where is he from?
T: Where in Malaysia is he from? 
- Ask pupils work in pairs.
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class.
- Tell the purpose of listening: you’re going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number.
- Ask : What do you see in the pictures of number 1? What countries does this flag indicate? And this one? And this one?
- Do the first example. 
- Play the recording twice for pupils to do the task.
- Replay the recording for pupils to check their answer.
- Ask some pupils to report their answer to the class.
- Make the task: each student choose a boy/a girl from the pictures and introduces him/her to the partner. His/her partner will make questions.
- Model
- Ask pupils to work in pairs.
- Call on an open pair to demonstrate.
- discuss
- take note
- listen and repeat.
- listen
- take note
- take note
Class: He’s from Malaysia.
Class: Kuala Lumpur
- work in pairs
- perform the task in front of the class.
- listen
- answer
- listen and do the task
- listen and check
- report their answer to the class.
- listen
- work in pairs.
- demonstrate

V. Summary: Where’s (Zack) from? – (He)’s from Malaysia, and Where in Malaysia (is he from)? – (Kuala Lumpur).
VI. Homelink: Ask students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson.
Week :1 Date of prepare :
Period: 2nd
Unit 1 : A summer camp
Lesson 2
I. Objectives
Pupils will be able: 
- to pronounce correctly sounds of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those of the letters ian as in Indonesian.
- to listen and number the pictures in the order they hear.
II. Teaching – aids: recordings, flashcards, pictures
III. New language
Vocabulary: cultural show, mask, model, twin towers
Phonics: Vietnamese Indonesian
IV. Procedure
Warm up (5’) : play slap the board, using flags of the countries.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Listen and repeat
Vietnamese Indonesian
2. Listen and read together
New words:
cultural show: 
twin towers
3. Group and say aloud
- Vietnamese: Chinese, Japanese
- Indonesian: Australian, Cambodian, Malaysian, Laotian.
4. Listen and number
a.4 b.3 c.1 d.2
5. Fun time
Play game: City Bingo
- Teach the sound of the letters ese and those of the letters ian.
- Play the recording and get pupils to repeat the words a few times.
- Set the context: Who is it? Where’s she from? Where’s she now? What’s she going to do now?
-Pre-teach vocabulary.
- Read each dialogue, have pupils repeat each line.
- Ask pupils to listen and clap once for the words with “ese” and clap twice for the words with “ian”.
- Divide the class into 4 groups to take turn to repeat.
- Get pupils to look at the chart and the word box.
- Recall the vocabulary.
- Say each word and get pupils to repeat.
- Set time and let pupils do the task independently.
- Call on some pupils to report their answers.
- Have the whole class read in chorus all the words.
- Tell the purpose of listening: you’re going to listen and number the picture.
Look at picture a, what’s it?Picture b,etc
- Play the recording twice for pupils to do the task.
- Replay the recording for pupils to check their answer.
- Ask some pupils to report their answer to the class.
- Set the context: you’re going to play the game City Bingo. Do you know how to play this game?
- Recall the game rules.
- listen and repeat
- listen and answer.
- take note
- listen and repeat.
- listen and clap
- read the dialogue
- listen and repeat
- do the task independently.
- to report their answers.
- read in chorus all the words.
- listen
- answer
- listen and do the task.
- listen and check
- report their answer to the class.
- listen and answer
- play game
V. Summary: In this lesson, pupils have learnt:
- to pronounce correctly the sound of the letters ese as in Vietnamese and those of the letters ian as in Indonesian.
- to listen and number the picture.
VI. Homelink: Ask students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson.
Week :2 Date of prepare :
Period: 3rd
Unit 1 : A summer camp
Lesson 3
I. Objectives
Pupils will be able 
- to ask and answer question about someone’s nationality.
- read an information text on a summer camp and write an e-mail.
II. Teaching – aids: 
III. New language
Vocabulary: stage, nationality
Sentence patterns: What’s his nationality?
He’s Malaysian.
IV. Procedure
Warm up(5’): Play the game Country Bingo.
New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Look, listen and repeat
New words:
2. Point, ask and answer
3. Read and do the tasks
New words:
national park
go hiking
the UK
a. Answers:
1. F 2.F 3.T 4.T 
b. Optional 
4. Read and write an e-mail
5. Fun time
Sing and guess the friend’s names.
- Set the context: this is a cultural activity at a summer camp. Look at picture a. Who are they?Who are these children talking about?
- Pre – teach vocabulary
- Play the recording twice for pupils to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the questions and answers.
- Set the context: These are the children at summer camp. They’re from different cuontries. Now you practice asking and answering about their nationalities.
- Ask pupils to read example and elicit the prompt to complete. 
- Write the question and answer on the board and get pupils to repeat.
- Model, point to Zack and ask:
T: What’s his nationality? 
- Ask pupils work in pairs.
- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class.
- Set the context: read the title of the passage. Can you guess what you’re going to read about?
- Write the key words on the board.
- Read the passage and check pupils’ comprehension: where was the summer camp?...
- Give pupils sufficient time to do the task.
- Call some pupils to say the answers to the class.
- Ask pupils to brainstorm the camping activities that they can remember from the reading passage.
- Model
T: Imagine you were at that summer camp. Tell me one thing that you liked doing there.
T: Good. Now tell me one thing that you did not like doing.
- Ask pupils to work in pairs.
- Call on some individual pupils to say the answers to the class.
- Read the model text and check pupils’ comprehension.
- Get pupils to repeat the model e-mail. 
- Ask pupils to read the guide and follow the model e-mail for their writing.
- Get a few pupils to read aloud their e-messages.
- Discuss the picture with the pupils.
- Play the recording twice for pupils to listen and repeat.
- Ask pupils to work in group, sing the song.
- Call on a group to sing the song in front of the class.
- listen and answer
- take note
- listen and repeat
- read the dialogue
- listen
- read example and elicit the prompt to complete. 
- repeat the question and answer.
Class: He’s Malaysian
- work in pairs.
- perform the task
- listen and answer.
- take note.
- answer the questions.
- do the task.
- say the answers.
- listen 
- work in pairs.
- to say the answers.
- listen and repeat.
- write e-message.
- read aloud their e-messages.
- discuss the picture.
- listen and repeat.
- work in group, sing the song.
- sing the song song in front of the class.
V. Summary : In this lesson, pupils have learnt:
using What’s his/her nationality? – He’s/She’s Indonesian.
Week :2 Date of prepare :
Period:4 th
Unit 2 : My friend’s house
Lesson 1
I. Objectives
Pupils will be able to ask and answer question about where one lives.
II. Teaching – aids: recordings, pictures, flashcards
III. New language
Vocabulary: address, street, floor, tower, same area, road, avenue, lane
Sentence patterns: Where do you live?
I live at 52 Ba Trieu Street.
I live on the second floor of Ha Noi Tower.
IV. Procedure
1. Warm up: play Bingo with numbers 21 – 50.
2. New lesson
Teacher’s activities
Students’ activities
1. Look, listen and repeat (5’)
- New words:
same area
52, 61
2. Point, ask and answer.
- Sentence patterns:
Where do you live?
I live at ____________.
I live on ___________.
- New words:
3. Listen and match
1.b 2.a 3.d 4.c
4. Talk
- Ask pupils to identify the characters in each picture.
- Ask : Who are they? What’s her/his name? Where are they? What are they talking about in pictures a/b/c/d?
- Pre – teach vocabulary
- Play the recording twice for pupils to repeat a few times.
- Divide the class into groups to take turns to say the lines of Mai and Tony.
- Set the context: we are going to practice asking and answering about addresses.
- Write the question and answer on th ... 
 1. Choose the letters that complete the words blow. Then read the words aloud.
Answer: a. skate; b. dragon; c. name; d. water; e. first; f. cloud; g. tower; h. card; i. jumped; j. painted; k. danced.
 2. Complete the sentences.
Answer: a. visited; b. jumped; c. explored; d. skated; e. game; f. Happy; g. story; h. post office; i. card; j. English.
 3. Groups the words of the same group
Animal: giraffe; kangaroo; snake; lion; deer.
Sport & Game: volleyball; karate; Bingo; Farm Town; basketball; swimming.
Book: Case Closed; Dragon Balls; The Legend of Watermelon; Snow White and the seven Dwarfs; The Starfruit Tree
 1. Listen and tick
Answer: 1.b; 2.c; 3. b; 4. a; 5. a.
 2. Listen and number
Answer: a. 3; b. 4; c. 1; d. 5; e. 2.
 1. Draw a line to match each question to the answer.
Answer: 1. e; 2. d; 3. a; 4. g; 5. b; 6.c; 7. f.
 2. Read and do the tasks.
 a. Tick T( True) or F (False): 1. F; 2. T; 3. T; 4. T.
 b. Write short answers:
 1. From the market.
 2. Another dog carrying a much bigger bone.
 3. He wanted to get the bigger bone.
 1. The following pictures describe a trip to the zoo. With a partner, ask and answer questions about what happens in each picture.
Answer: 1. The children are getting on a bus at 9:00; 2. The children are arriving at the zoo at 10:00; 3. The children are seeing the elephants at 10:20; 4. The children are seeing the monkey at 11:00; 5. The children are watching the animal show at 11:30; 6. The children are having their picnic lunch at 12:30.
 2. Find and talk about the four differences between the two pictures
 1. In Picture A there are 4 elephants playing football. In Picture B there are 4 elephants walking on 2 legs.
 2. In Picture A there are 2 dancing bears. In Picture B there are 2 cycling bears.
 3. In Picture A there are 3 tigers. In Picture B there are 3 lions.
 4. In Picture A there is a seal playing with a beach ball. In Picture B there is a dancing cobra
IV. Production
VI. Home work
- Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson

- Gets students to joint the activity
- Introduces the new lesson.
- Helps students to revise the topic, the language competences, the language knowledge
- Asks students to complete each word under the picture using the letters in this chart individually.
- Asks some students to read aloud the words to the class
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to write the missing letters to complete the sentences.
- Asks some students to read their sentences to the class 
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to look at the chart and the word box.
- Says each word and gets students to repeat. Then lets students do the task independently
- Asks students to check their answers in pairs.
- Plays the tape for students to listen and tick the correct answers
- Asks students to exchange their answers with their partners
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to look at the pictures
- Plays the tape for students to listen and do the task
- Asks students to exchange their answers with their partners
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to do the task individually
- Asks students to exchange their answers with their partners
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to read the text and do the task independently.
- Asks students to compare their answers in pairs
- Provides the answers and explanations
- Asks students to. look at each picture and say what they see
- Asks students to work in pairs to ask and answer questions about each picture.
- Calls on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class
- Asks students to look at the pictures, observe the details in each picture and find the four differences between two pictures
- Ask students to work in pairs to point to the pictures and talk about the differences
- Calls some students to report the differences
- Give students a test
- Asks students to review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson

- Joint the activity
- Listen
- Revise the topic, the language competences, the language knowledge
- Complete each word under the picture using the letters in this chart individually.
- Read aloud the words to the class
- Listen and check answers
- Write the missing letters to complete the sentences.
- Read their sentences to the class 
- Listen and check answers
- Look at the chart and the word box
- Listen and repeat. Then do the task independently
- Check answers in pairs.
- Listen and tick the correct answers
- Exchange and compare their answers with their partners
- Listen and check answers
- Look at the pictures
- Listen and write the number for correct pictures
- Exchange and compare their answers with their partners
- Listen and check answers
- Do the task individually
- Exchange and compare their answers with their partners
- Listen and check answers
- Read the text and do the task independently.
- Compare their answers in pairs
- Listen and check answers
- Look at each picture and say what they see
- Work in pairs to ask and answer questions about each picture.
- Demonstrate the task in front of the class 
- Look at the pictures, observe the details in each picture and find the four differences between two pictures
- Work in pairs to point to the pictures and talk about the differences
- Report the the differences
- Do a test
- Review the lesson at home and prepare the next lesson
Week :17 Date of prepare :
Period:34 th
I.Tìm từ khác với các từ còn lại: (1M)
A. teacher             b. nurse                c. cook                  d. play
A. dining room     b. kitchen             c. mother              d. bedroom
A. these                b. this                             c. those                 d. they
A. this                  b. hi                      c. nine                   d. fine
II. Hoàn thành các từ sau: (1M)
What are these?
They are ch_irs.
This is the b_throom.
What is your tel_phone numb_r ?
It is 0834256.
She can do a magic tr_ck.
III.Chọn từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống: (2M)
.is the sink? It is in the bathroom.
Who                b. Where                        c. What
There  five cats under the table.
is                     b. am                              c. are
He can climb a tree , .he can’t jump rope.
but                            b. and                                      c. too
What is ..? It is a yo-yo.
these                b. that                                      c. those
What can you do? I can .. a kite.
fly                    b. play                           c. do
Can you ride a pony? Yes, .can.
he                    b. she                             c. I
What is the .? I am sick.
wrong              b. matter                        c. X
.there a sofa in the living room? Yes, there is.
Am                   b. Are                                      c. Is
IV.Nối câu ở cột A với câu trả lời tương ứng ở cột B: (2M)
Where is the bed?                                       a. I can’t hit a ball.
Good bye.                                                   b. Yes,  she can.
Can she play the piano?                             c. See you later.
What’s wrong ?                                          d. It’s in the bedroom.
V.Sắp xếp thành câu hoàn chỉnh: (2M)
Is / this / the / kitchen.
she / do a magic trick / can.
are / there / four / dogs / under / the / table.
I / see / can’t / board / the.
VI.Đọc câu hỏi và trả lời: (2M)
What is your name?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What can you do?
Revision 2
I. Circle the odd one out: (2marks)
1. A. American B Vietnamese C April D. Australian
2. A. day B.festival C. month D. week
3. A. sing B. dance C. song D. tell
4. A . they B.what C. when D . why
II. Choose A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences : (3marks)
1. They are football in the school yard.
A. play B. playing C. plays D. played
2. Teacher’s Day is on .
A. 20th September B. 20th November C. 20th December D. 20th October 
3. are you happy?- Because today is my birthday.
A. When B. Who C. What D. Why
4. LiLi is from Singapore. She is .
A. English B. Sigaporean C. American D. Vietnamese
5. What does your uncle ?- He is an artist.
A. does B. do C. doing D. be
6. Did they play some exciting games? – No, they .
A. don’t B. weren’t C. didn’t D. aren’t
III. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following passage.(1marks)
During the (1)____________we often play (2)___________ the school yard. The boys often (3)____________ football and chess but the girls usually play skipping rope and hide-and-seek. My favourite (4)____________is chess so I often play chess with Nam in our classroom. Some of my friends sometimes complete the puzzle.
1. A. freetime B. classtime C. time D. breaktime
2. A at B. in C. on D. from
3. A played B. playing C. play D. plays
4. A game B. sport C. subject D. food
IV/ Reorder the words to make sentences. (2marks)
1. you / drawing / picture / a / are / 
2. swimming / wants / go / she / to /. 
. .
3. you / were / home / at / yesterday? 
4. do / did/ What/ you / last week ? 
VI. Read the passage and then do the tasks that follow: (1 marks)
Hi. My name is John. I am a student at Oxford Primary School. My school had a sports festival last weekend. All the teachers and students were there. The students played many different sports and games such as football, badminton, swimming, chess, skipping rope, and hide-and-seek. I played badminton very well. I was very happy because I was the best player.
1. What’s his name?
A. His name is John. B. My name is John.
C. His name was John. D. Its name is John.
2. Where does he study?
A. He studies in Oxford Primary School. B. He studies at Oxford Primary School.
C. He studies on Oxford Primary School. D. He studies from Oxford Primary School.
3. What did his school have last weekend?
A. It has a sports festival last weekend B. It is having a sports festival last weekend.
C. It have a sports festival last weekend. D. It had a sports festival last weekend.
4. Did the students play many different sports and games?
A. Yes, they do. B. Yes, they are. C. Yes, they did.

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